Maribel Ximenez-Carrillo
I studied social education and psychology in Heidelberg as well as consultancy und management in Essen. During my time as a team leader in a large company, I graduated as a Licensed Lucero Consulting Coach with Janine Morrison as my mentor. This very profound and formative phase of my life opened my eyes to who I really am and what I really want. The insights of this time encouraged me to follow my plan to accompany people to perceive and feel themselves, to follow their wishes and to trust their internal potential.
When I´m not coaching I´m a mother of a young daughter, I spend a lot of time with the horses, I love dancing Flamenco, singing and playing the violin. My different interests, being a mother and working as a coach have made me the person I am today and reflect my personality. I am very spirited and vivid, at the same time I enjoy silence. I like to be light and carefree, but I also appreciate serious and thoughtful phases. I´m living my dream as an independant coach and I´m confident with what I do, at the same time I am open for feedback and to opinions of others.
All of these qualities are united in my work as a coach and enable me to fully engage with the coachee open minded, always maintaining an overall perspective.
My philosophy
My philosophy is based on the understanding that everyone and every concern is important and that in the process of getting to know yourself everything can be seen and felt in its time.
It is important to me to perceive you in your entirety without evaluating, listening to what the topic is, and finding out what is behind the topic.
In our everyday life we often find ourselves in situations that are incomprehensible to us, trigger unpleasant feelings.Our subjective view of things as well as the need to understand and solve everything immediately prevents us from recognizing patterns and ultimately the meaning behind it. The fast pace of our times often makes it difficult for us to deal intensively with ourselves and with what we truly desire. For many, everyday life consists of "I should" and "I have to" instead of " I may" and "I want to". We allow ourselves less and less to fathom our thoughts and feelings, to talk to ourselves and just to “be”. The expectations of ourselves as well as those of society force us to take on roles and to learn new roles over and over again. These roles have their justification, be it at work or as a mother, father, friend, wife, etc. But where do you find yourself in it, your own, authentic self? Do you (still) know what it feels like to be yourself, to know who you really are and what you really want?
The time in coaching is yours alone. I support you in finding a clear, coherent feeling for and to yourself and in being able to create a connection between apparently incoherent events. In my experience, there is always a core that needs to be explored, which is responsible for why tasks in life occur repeatedly or limitations can arise. Only those who face their fears and acknowledge themselves with all their issues, can understand connections, get to the root of the whole and thus live authentic being.